Autodesk Inventor Nastran | Purchase | QS Infor
Inventor Nastran

Inventor Nastran. Advanced software for finite element analysis

The Inventor Nastran software is an advanced finite element analysis tool (FEA) fully embedded in Inventor that makes it possible to perform multiple types of analysis such as linear and nonlinear fatigue, dynamic analyses, and heat transfer. Inventor Nastran offers a high level simulation technology in a workflow embedded in CAD to turn out excellent products.

Inventor Nastran. Advanced software for finite element analysis

The Inventor Nastran software is an advanced finite element analysis tool (FEA) fully embedded in Inventor that makes it possible to perform multiple types of analysis such as linear and nonlinear fatigue, dynamic analyses, and heat transfer. Inventor Nastran offers a high level simulation technology in a workflow embedded in CAD to turn out excellent products.

Inventor Nastran Info

3.110 + vat
/ year - 1 user

With Nastran, quality leads the way

The advantages that FEA technology integrated in Inventor CAD can offer in product design and development are enormous. In fact, advanced analysis makes it possible to verify the functioning of projects under real conditions.

It is an indispensable step to optimise the market performance of products, to achieve the highest performance, and to ensure an optimal production phase. This not only translates into innovation, lower costs and the elimination of errors and criticalities, but into absolute product quality.

The reason why the use of FEA technology proves to be an indispensable choice for the company is due to the advanced characteristics of the simulation: through a series of indexed parameters, recorded and traceable in reports, the company can prove, even to third parties, that it takes all possible precautions to ensure that the design is transformed into undisputed product quality every time.

Nastran. Fully integrated and a faithful ally

Thanks to the integrated workflow, Inventor Nastran simplifies processes, highlights compatibility problems, while providing you with a professional FEA platform, widely acknowledged in the sector. Ease of use, integration and system associativity are the crowning features of a software that raises the bar of industrial utopia: creating perfection.

Nastran is easy to use: it eliminates the need to use other simulation technologies for different platforms by integrating directly into Inventor.
By reducing the learning curve and maintaining productivity, Nastran eliminates compatibility issues generated by importing CAD models into different FEA platforms.

The part geometry data are accessible directly by the CAD system and offer true associativity of geometries. It is thus possible to easily modify the model without needing to duplicate the validation work. And it is possible to explore hypothetical scenarios immediately, thanks to the complete associativity of FEA and CAD data.

Nastran, the powerful problem-solver

Inventor Nastran is an FEA problem-solver for multiple uses, known mainly for its precision in linear and non-linear stress analysis, and in the heat transfer of mechanical structures and components.

Material data are essential for the accuracy of the simulation during design. The simulation of materials such as metal, composites, rubber and plastic allows users to estimate with higher accuracy a product’s performance or even any failure. Inventor Nastran supports a wide range of materials, thanks to which it is possible to better know the products’ behaviour in the real world.

Inventor Nastran basically makes it possible to anticipate the mechanical performance of components subjected to loads, predict possible errors/weaknesses, manage safety factors, develop alternative designs or materials, perform checks in critical areas and generate reports of the analyses performed.

Getting to know Nastran

With digital simulation, companies are able to accurately and quickly model and analyse product performance characteristics while reducing physical prototypes. With Inventor Nastran you can run simulations in-house instead of outsourcing them.

Get to Know Nastran in PDF

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Find answers in the FAQs

Inventor Nastran is an advanced simulation software: through the finite element method (FEM) analysis integrated in CAD, it allows the mechanical and structural behaviour of a design to be verified at an early stage.

  • Finite element method analysis FEM
  • Discretisation of models using solids, shells and beams with automatic mesh generation mechanisms
  • Non-linear analyses
  • Advanced thermal transfer, impact and buckling analysis
  • To predict and optimise component behaviour without the use of physical prototypes
  • To identify critical areas under operating conditions
  • To assess safety and performance factors
  • To implement and experiment with new ideas and materials
  • To manage and optimise costs according to functionality
  • Static mechanical analyses
  • Non-linear simulations of various types
  • Use of materials with complex characteristics
  • Dynamic and vibration simulations
  • Fatigue analysis
  • Heat transfer analysis in mechanical components

How much does Inventor Nastran cost?

Inventor Nastran is available through the Product Design Manufacturing Collection.
You can subscribe to Inventor Nastran on the QS Infor website:

See how Nastran works

Behavioural predictions let you proceed with certainty before even thinking about the construction of a possible prototype, with considerable cost savings. The module allows a variety of analyses: static simulations with mechanical verifications, handling various types of non-linearities, materials, dynamic analyses, such as vibration, fatigue, heat transfer, peak loads.


Linear and non-linear statics

  • Linear analyses for static or very slowly applied loads
    Linearity assumptions:
    • Material with elastic behaviour (tensions proportional to deformations
    • Small deformations (stiffness does not change by varying tension)
    • Constant loads (magnitude, orientation, distribution)
  • Non-linear analyses (materials, geometries, boundary conditions) to make the simulation more realistic
    • Contact between parts
    • Non-linear and plastic materials
    • Large deformations

Steady-state and transient heat transfer

  • Analysing simple heat transfer problems
    • Steady-state transfer by conduction, convection and radiation
    • Time-dependent loads
  • Transfer of resulting temperatures exportable as thermal loads in structural analyses


  • Linear buckling
    • Instability at peak load based on the Eulerian method
    • Analyses suitable for linear instability problems
  • Non-linear buckling
    • Analyses adapted to any instability problem
    • Includes large deformations, contacts and materials with non-linear behaviour

Composite Materials

  • 2D and 3D laminates
    • Testing particularly suitable for fibre-reinforced materials
    • Specific fracture techniques for sandwich composites
    • Cohesive zone model for delamination cracks
    • Indices and fracture factors for calculating safety coefficients (several theories available)

Nastran made easier with QS Infor courses

Directly oriented towards specific application processes that, like mechanical engineering, require familiarity with dedicated libraries and applications, the courses organised by QS Infor are structured according to the customer’s needs and objectives, on an individual or group basis, at the customer’s company or at the QS Infor site.

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Find out what we have done with Inventor Nastran for our customers

CAD-integrated advanced finite element analysis
Success stories
Using mixed elements in Nastran